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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1621
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7302
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 2،
issue Number 96
Sociology of subcultures in mystical prose texts (Case study of Mersadol Ebad, Tadhkirat al-Awliya, Asrar al-Tawhid and Fihe Mafih)
Mehri Asri , Davood Sparham (Author in Charge), Gholamreza Mastali Parsa , Ameneh Ebrahimi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Understanding the nature and structure and knowledge of the functions of culture is one of the most fundamental quests of contemporary human life. Although in recent decades, many theorists have discussed and investigated in connection with culture, but it seems that it is still possible to discuss and investigate this issue. Culture is the generator of behaviors and social events in a society. And it is reciprocally affected by it. The connection and entanglement of culture with various aspects of human life from the past until now can be a convincing proof of the importance of the phenomenon of culture in human life. Culture not only has an effective function in improving and organizing relations with other societies, but also affects the process and relations of internal sub-systems of a culture. Mysticism and Sufism have always been one of the main and most important dominant discourses in human societies, especially in Iran, for this reason, a large part of the texts and works of Persian poetry and prose are full of mystical concepts and themes, and these works also have a large amount of elements They have influenced and influenced culture in the society. In this article, the authors intend to investigate and analyze the subcultures in the early mystical texts with an interdisciplinary perspective from the perspective of sociology.
, sub-culture
, Mysticism
, Culture
, Early mystical prose texts.
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